I promise that I have not received help or assistance from a…

I promise that I have not received help or assistance from any other human on this planet. I have upheld the University of Florida Honor code. I understand that this Scrimmage is an ‘open book’ type of assessment and I am allowed to use class resources such as text, lectures, and internet.

How many mistakes does the following code snippet have? Loca…

How many mistakes does the following code snippet have? Locate and fix all the mistakes you find with your own comments in the following code snippet that calculates and displays how many terms of the following sequence are required to make its value more than 50.          #include        using namespace std;        int main(){               int sum = 0;               int terms = 1;               while (true) {                      terms = terms – 1;                      sum = sum + terms * 0.5;                      if sum > 50                             continue;                   }               cout