How does the rash from a poison ivy, oak and sumac plant spread on a person’s skin?
If a baby does not start breathing on its own within 30 seco…
If a baby does not start breathing on its own within 30 seconds of the birth, what should you do in an emergency childbirth situation?
Which weather condition are humans able to adapt better?
Which weather condition are humans able to adapt better?
What is it called when the environment feels colder than the…
What is it called when the environment feels colder than the thermometer reads for the outside air temperature?
Direct pressure controls most severe, external bleeding.
Direct pressure controls most severe, external bleeding.
Which of the following should not applied to a full-thicknes…
Which of the following should not applied to a full-thickness burn?
The purpose of an AED is to reestablish a heart rhythm that…
The purpose of an AED is to reestablish a heart rhythm that will result in normal electrical and pumping activity.
Which of the following are signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion…
Which of the following are signs/symptoms of heat exhaustion?
All dislocations and fractures should be splinted in the pos…
All dislocations and fractures should be splinted in the position that they were found UNLESS pulses are absent or medical help is hours away.
A saline solution should be used instead of tap water to irr…
A saline solution should be used instead of tap water to irrigate an open wound.