Host A’s TCP connection has the following parameters for con…

Host A’s TCP connection has the following parameters for congestion control: MSS Size = 1500 bytes cwnd = 10,000 bytes ssthresh = 8000 bytes   Suppose the latest RcvWin received = 40,000 bytes, then after a period of time, a timeout event occurs, what would be the sending Window Size for Host A at this point?

Consider TCP parameters for host A below: rwndA = 1000 bytes…

Consider TCP parameters for host A below: rwndA = 1000 bytescwnd => 10000 bytes ——————————windowSize = 100 bytessendBase = 200nextSeqNo=600———————————timerSetOnSeq#=200Duplicate ACK Count = 0———————————nextExpSeq# = 777 Event: Host A receives the following segment from Host B without error. Seq# 777, Len(111), Ack# 400, RcvWin = 1000, Flags=ACK   What will be the values of the TCP parameters after host A processed the received segment?   windowSize = sendBase = nextSeqNo = timerSetOnSeq# = ———————————nextExpSeq# =