A patient complains of a headache and other vague discomfort. How would EMS providers show a patient they genuinely care about him during the call?
You are at the scene of a 27-year-old male who is unconsciou…
You are at the scene of a 27-year-old male who is unconscious and EMS was called by his parents. Which of the following type of consent would apply?
You are dispatched to the residence of a 76-year-old female…
You are dispatched to the residence of a 76-year-old female who is having a possible cerebrovascular accident. You arrive to find the patient alert and sitting in a chair with obvious left-sided paralysis and the inability to speak or swallow. She is breathing at 20 times per minute, very shallow, and her pulse ox is 92%. Which of the following would be an appropriate treatment for this patient?
Rescuers are treating a patient who is having a severe aller…
Rescuers are treating a patient who is having a severe allergic reaction. You are unable to ventilate effectively with a bag-valve-mask. Which of the following techniques would be the MOST effective?
Which of the following is true regarding normal balances of…
Which of the following is true regarding normal balances of accounts?
While on the scene of a traffic crash, your partner begins c…
While on the scene of a traffic crash, your partner begins collecting a SAMPLE history from the patient while still in the car. Why do you suspect your partner has collected the SAMPLE history before moving the patient to the ambulance?
Assertive communication has many benefits. Which of the fol…
Assertive communication has many benefits. Which of the following reflects an accurate benefit?
You are treating a patient with an abrasion to the right leg…
You are treating a patient with an abrasion to the right leg after falling off of a bicycle. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate body substance isolation procedures to follow?
Under the FLSA rules for classifying an employee as exempt,…
Under the FLSA rules for classifying an employee as exempt, which of the job classifications does not require a minimum salary?
Using the most appropriate anatomical term of direction, des…
Using the most appropriate anatomical term of direction, describe the relationship of your belly button relative to your spine: