A 64-year-old male unrestrained driver was  admitted to the…

A 64-year-old male unrestrained driver was  admitted to the trauma unit after a head-on automobile collision while returning home from his 3-times-per-week hemodialysis. He is mechanically intubated, but there  are reports that he responds to simple commands. He sustained multiple bone fractures and right hemothorax requiring chest tube placement. The current vital signs are blood pressure 90/48, heart rate 128, and temperature 98.40 F. What is the most appropriate method for management of his end-stage renal disease?

A 64-year-old male unrestrained driver was  admitted to the…

A 64-year-old male unrestrained driver was  admitted to the trauma unit after a head-on automobile collision while returning home from his 3-times-per-week hemodialysis. He is mechanically intubated, but there  are reports that he responds to simple commands. He sustained multiple bone fractures and right hemothorax requiring chest tube placement. The current vital signs are blood pressure 90/48, heart rate 128, and temperature 98.40 F. What is the most appropriate method for management of his end-stage renal disease?