In picture below , This structure will “check” elbow extension:
This bony deformity and cause, effects the DIP of the finger…
This bony deformity and cause, effects the DIP of the fingers:
Which positions could cause increased symptoms of an ulnar n…
Which positions could cause increased symptoms of an ulnar neuropathy due to compression in the cubital tunnel?
This muscle of the thumb is analogous to FDP in the finger
This muscle of the thumb is analogous to FDP in the finger
The posterior interosseous nerve is a:
The posterior interosseous nerve is a:
The carpal arch is defined by the: (Choose best answer)
The carpal arch is defined by the: (Choose best answer)
Your patient is a 40 yo female and she presents with right r…
Your patient is a 40 yo female and she presents with right radial wrist pain. She reports no traumatic event. What test might you follow up with:
With the PIP flexed beyond 90 degrees in the index finger, i…
With the PIP flexed beyond 90 degrees in the index finger, it will be difficult to extend the DIP due to: BEST ANSWER
This special test of the shoulder (GH joint) would be consid…
This special test of the shoulder (GH joint) would be considered useful if the history indicated a traumatic event:
Which statement best categorizes Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Which statement best categorizes Rheumatoid Arthritis: