You have files,, and a driver class n…

You have files,, and a driver class named Fill in the correct visibility modifiers so that the comments in the class Child and Driver’s main method are upheld. public class Parent {   1 void method1() { /*compiles*/ }   2 void method2() { /*compiles*/ }   3 void method3() { /*compiles*/ } } —– in a separate file in a different package/directory —– public class Child extends Parent {   public void foo() { method1(); // compiles method3(); // doesn’t compile }} —– in a separate file in a different package/directory —– public class Driver { public static void main(String  2   :   3   :

                . ‘  .           ‘ .( ‘.) ‘     _   (‘-.)’…

                . ‘  .           ‘ .( ‘.) ‘     _   (‘-.)’ (`’.) ‘     | (- -(. HIERARCHIES -) ‘  .–`+’-.  .  (‘ -,).(‘) .  |`—-‘|   (‘ .) – (‘. )  | /..\ |    . (‘ `.  )   |\./\.\|      ` .  `   |./G \/|  |.\ T/.|  `-._/.-‘

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the me…

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method eat is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass:  public class Animal {   public void eat(String food) { /* implemented */ } } public class Dog extends Animal{   public void eat(String food, int quantity) { /* implemented */ } } 

   Anatomy a1 = new Histology(); Anatomy a2 = new Cytology()…

   Anatomy a1 = new Histology(); Anatomy a2 = new Cytology(); Histology histo = new Histology(); Cytology cyto = new Cytology();  For the class hierarchy and declarations above, correctly indicate whether each of the following statements will compile and what will happen at runtime (runs correctly or runtime exception). It may be helpful to use scratch paper to keep track of each variable’s static and dynamic type. 1  Anatomy anatomy = (Anatomy) cyto;  2   Cytology c1 = (Cytology) histo;  3  Cytology c2 = (Cytology) a1; 4  Cytology c3 = (Cytology) a2;   1   :   2   :   3   :   4   :

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the me…

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method price is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass:  public class Drink {   public void price(String type, int total) { /* implemented */ } } public class Coffee extends Drink {   public void price(int total) { /* implemented */ } } 

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the me…

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method price is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass:  public class Drink {   public void price(String type, int total) { /* implemented */ } } public class Coffee extends Drink {   public void price(int total) { /* implemented */ } } 

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the me…

Given the following class hierarchy, identify whether the method drink is overloaded, overridden, or neither by the subclass: public class Beverage {    public void drink(String s) { /* implemented */ }}public class Coffee extends Beverage {    public void drink(String caffeine) { /* implemented */ }}

For this 1331 exams, I understand that: It is a closed book…

For this 1331 exams, I understand that: It is a closed book exam No notes are allowed No restroom breaks allowed No handheld calculator allowed No headphones are allowed (unless you have documented accommodations with disability services) No hats are allowed I cannot take the exam in a public area There should not be excessive background noise My face must be clearly visible (i.e. use of face coverings are not permitted during the exam) ONE sheet of scratch paper is allowed (make sure to show both front and back in recording when prompted)