1.2.1 Unjani umoya (mood) walesithombe? (2)
3.3 Bhala amagama aphikisana nalawa bese wakha umusho. Kha…
3.3 Bhala amagama aphikisana nalawa bese wakha umusho. Khala Ngena Emini Kuhle Kuncane (5)
1.2.2 Le nkomishi abayiphethe isitshela ukuthini? (2)
1.2.2 Le nkomishi abayiphethe isitshela ukuthini? (2)
Extended Writing Rubric.pdf
Extended Writing Rubric.pdf
TEST INSTRUCTIONS 1. This question paper consists of S…
TEST INSTRUCTIONS 1. This question paper consists of SECTION A and SECTION B 2. SECTION A: Discursive Essay –Russia (Communism) SECTION B: Extended Writing – America (Capitalism) 3. When answering the questions, you should apply your knowledge, skills and insight.
1.1 Afdeling A: Diskursiewe Opstel “Die Oktober Rewolusie…
1.1 Afdeling A: Diskursiewe Opstel “Die Oktober Rewolusie wat in 1917 in Rusland plaasgevind het was grootliks veroorsaak deur politiese magte wat die Rewolusie aangehelp het.” Tot watter mate is die stelling hierbo akkuraat? (Gee aandag aan die struktuur en formaat van jou diskursiewe opstel) (70)
TOETS INSTRUKSIES 1. Die vraestel bestaan uit AFDELING…
TOETS INSTRUKSIES 1. Die vraestel bestaan uit AFDELING A en AFDELING B 2. AFDELING A: Diskursiewe Opstel – Rusland (Kommunisme) AFDELING B: Uitgebreide Skryfwerk – Amerika (Kapitalisme) 3. Gebruik jou kennis, vaardighede en insig om die vrae te beantwoord
2.1 Section B: Extended Writing The 1920’s saw a great ec…
2.1 Section B: Extended Writing The 1920’s saw a great economic boom within the USA, making people feel as if there was never ending wealth available. In 1929 this changed drastically with the Wall Street Crash. Explain how America experienced the boom and bust by answering the following questions: 2.1.1 Which industries experienced an economic boom during the 1920’s? (10) 2.1.2 Which factors played a role in the eventual economic collapse of the United States of America? (10) 2.1.3 What impact did the crash of the stock market have on the economy of the country? (10)
1.2.3 Die gebrek aan ‘n behoorlike ……………………..
1.2.3 Die gebrek aan ‘n behoorlike ………………………………. program kan werknemers lei om onseker en onwelkome te voel. (2)
Find the cubic function of the form where and the coeffici…
Find the cubic function of the form where and the coefficients are real numbers, which satisfies the conditions given below. Relative maximum: Relative minimum: Inflection point: