The movement of materials from the soma to the synaptic knob is called
The one organelle not found in adult neurons is the
The one organelle not found in adult neurons is the
A threshold stimulus is the
A threshold stimulus is the
The ________ nervous system is composed of the brain and spi…
The ________ nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord.
In the central nervous system, a group of axons is called a(…
In the central nervous system, a group of axons is called a(n)
Jane, a 79-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with a tumor i…
Jane, a 79-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with a tumor in the brain. She has lost some sensory and motor functions associated with the face, like control of facial muscles for emotion and various sensory functions like taste. In addition, she has some hearing loss and balance problems. The location of the tumor is likely to be the
A threshold stimulus is the
A threshold stimulus is the
Bipolar neurons have
Bipolar neurons have
Sensory neurons form the __________ division of the ________…
Sensory neurons form the __________ division of the __________.