Pairing complementary colors together, such as red-orange and blue-green, will create the color effect known as simultaneous contrast.
No known society has lived without some form of art.
No known society has lived without some form of art.
Maroon and pink are the same hue.
Maroon and pink are the same hue.
Abstract art uses the appearance of the world as a starting…
Abstract art uses the appearance of the world as a starting point and then simplifies or exaggerates parts.
Vincent van Gogh’s paintings use lines to show direction and…
Vincent van Gogh’s paintings use lines to show direction and movement. Which of these paintings is by van Gogh?
Relieved symmetry is almost symmetrical but not quite.
Relieved symmetry is almost symmetrical but not quite.
The objects or event that an artwork depicts is its subject…
The objects or event that an artwork depicts is its subject matter.
Examining the iconography of a work can help uncover its mea…
Examining the iconography of a work can help uncover its meaning.
One role of artists is to create extra-ordinary versions of…
One role of artists is to create extra-ordinary versions of ordinary objects.
Form is what a work of art is about, and content is the way…
Form is what a work of art is about, and content is the way a work of art looks.