Master educators might suggest that students develop a _________ for client development.
Educators who assume that such menial tasks as washing and f…
Educators who assume that such menial tasks as washing and folding towels is beneath them will never achieve the status of:
When student stylists come to the reception area to greet th…
When student stylists come to the reception area to greet their next client, the students should be
The third element in zone teaching requires the educator to:
The third element in zone teaching requires the educator to:
When students develop an enthusiasm for getting the job done…
When students develop an enthusiasm for getting the job done, that enthusiasm will become
Master educators will plan for demonstrations in the student…
Master educators will plan for demonstrations in the student salon by having their own:
Master educators will teach students to check their own hair…
Master educators will teach students to check their own haircuts by using ____ as/than those used when performing the actual cut.
The dispensary of a school should contain back-bar products…
The dispensary of a school should contain back-bar products needed daily and ____ that may not be included in student kits.
Upon completion of the service for any client, students shou…
Upon completion of the service for any client, students should be taught to escort the client back to the reception area, offer to rebook the next appointment, and suggest:
Master educators will make sure that the student salon exper…
Master educators will make sure that the student salon experience is an ____ for the students.