A 5-year-old Doberman presents with abdominal distention, pa…

A 5-year-old Doberman presents with abdominal distention, panting, and weight loss.  His PCV is 43%, BUN 5.5 mg/dl, TP 5 g/dl, albumin 1.5 g/dl, ALT 200 U/L, AST 120 U/L, ALP 145 U/L, glucose 70 mg/dl, calcium 8.4 mg/dl, sodium 146 mEq/L, potassium 7.4 mEq/L, chloride 107 mEq/L. In the same case, would a fructosamine level be accurate for this dog?  Why or why not?

A 7-year-old mixed breed dog has a history of voluminous fec…

A 7-year-old mixed breed dog has a history of voluminous feces, nasty gas, and weight loss despite a good appetite over 2-3 months.  His TP was 5 g/dl, lipase 75 U/L, amylase 30 U/L.  TLI normal.  Cobalamin normal, folate decreased. Interpret these results

A 3-month-old terrier cross presents for lethargy, depressio…

A 3-month-old terrier cross presents for lethargy, depression, and subcutaneous edema.   PCV 45%, BUN 8.5 mg/dl, Cr 1.0 mg/dl, TP 3.3 g/dl, Albumin 1.3 g/dl, ALT 52 IU/L, AST 39 IU/L, ALP 100 IU/L, GGT 10 IU/L, Cholesterol 116 mg/dl, calcium 6 mg/dl, phosphorus 5 mg/dl, sodium 150 mg/dl, potassium 5 mg/dl, chloride 100 mEQ/L, TCO2 15.  Urinalysis was within normal limits. In the same case, which ancillary test should be performed?