A 7-year-old mixed breed dog has a history of voluminous feces, nasty gas, and weight loss despite a good appetite over 2-3 months. His TP was 5 g/dl, lipase 75 U/L, amylase 30 U/L. TLI normal. Cobalamin normal, folate decreased. Interpret these results
A 3-month-old terrier cross presents for lethargy, depressio…
A 3-month-old terrier cross presents for lethargy, depression, and subcutaneous edema. PCV 45%, BUN 8.5 mg/dl, Cr 1.0 mg/dl, TP 3.3 g/dl, Albumin 1.3 g/dl, ALT 52 IU/L, AST 39 IU/L, ALP 100 IU/L, GGT 10 IU/L, Cholesterol 116 mg/dl, calcium 6 mg/dl, phosphorus 5 mg/dl, sodium 150 mg/dl, potassium 5 mg/dl, chloride 100 mEQ/L, TCO2 15. Urinalysis was within normal limits. In the same case, which ancillary test should be performed?
A 5-year-old Doberman presents with abdominal distention, pa…
A 5-year-old Doberman presents with abdominal distention, panting, and weight loss. His PCV is 43%, BUN 5.5 mg/dl, TP 5 g/dl, albumin 1.5 g/dl, ALT 200 U/L, AST 120 U/L, ALP 145 U/L, glucose 70 mg/dl, calcium 8.4 mg/dl, sodium 146 mEq/L, potassium 7.4 mEq/L, chloride 107 mEq/L. In the same case, the veterinarian asks you to run a coagulation profile (PT/PTT). Why?
You are only able to get 8 cc of whole blood from a patient…
You are only able to get 8 cc of whole blood from a patient with a PCV of 42%. How many cc of serum will you have?
What is the growth rate constant when the generation time is…
What is the growth rate constant when the generation time is 15 minutes?
The holoenzyme for transcription in bacteria is made up of:
The holoenzyme for transcription in bacteria is made up of:
Quorum sensing: (select all that apply)
Quorum sensing: (select all that apply)
How many V. cholerae would be present in your water sample i…
How many V. cholerae would be present in your water sample if you added a single bacterium and waited 7 hours to count? The generation time of V. cholerae is 70 minutes.
The aminoglycosides and tetracyclines specifically target th…
The aminoglycosides and tetracyclines specifically target the interfering with .
Drugs used to treat malaria include:
Drugs used to treat malaria include: