1.1.4 Conflict between an employer and an employee can be seen as a … (2)
QUESTION 1.3: CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Complete the following statements using the words in the list below. Choose only the correct word and type it in the space provided. Storming; Leadership; Force Field; Fixed Property; Life Cover; Retirement Annuity; RSA Retail Savings Bonds; Management; Norming; Delphi technique 1.3.1 A minimum of R1000 is required to invest in … (2)
QUESTION 3: BUSINESS ROLES 3.1 Read the scenar…
QUESTION 3: BUSINESS ROLES 3.1 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow. MBA Agency Hannelie has been working for MBA Agency for the past five years. She is a trustworthy and experienced employee. The business advertised a promotion position. Samson, the human resource manager, promised to appoint Hannelie in return for sexual favours. Samson also often uses the business’ fuel card for his private vehicle. 3.1.1 Quote TWO unethical business practices from the scenario above. (2×1)(2) 3.1.2 Suggest ways on how MBA Agency could deal with the unethical business practices identified in QUESTION 3.1.1. (4×2)(8) 3.2 Name the problem solving technique in EACH of the following statements: 3.2.1 An opportunity where employees randomly and spontaneously give ideas, which are then written on a flip chart. (2) 3.2.2 Management listing advantages and disadvantages regarding possible changes to their business structure. (2) 3.2.3 Fancy Design requested their employees to link their ideas to a picture, object or logo that each has been given. (2) 3.2.4 The manager pretends to be talking to someone else in the chair in front of him. (2) 3.3 List any FOUR criteria for professional behaviour in the workplace. (4×1)(4) 3.4 Discuss the positive impact of creative thinking on businesses. (4×2)(8) 3.5 List any FOUR steps of the problem solving cycle. (4×1)(4) 3.6 Mind mapping is another problem solving technique that can be used by businesses. Discuss the impact of this technique. (3×2)(6) TOTAL FOR QUESTION 3 OR
QUESTION 1.2: MATCH THE LEFT COLUMN WITH THE RIGHT. Choose the description that best matches the term in the right column.
1.1.3 The amount of money to be paid monthly/annually by t…
1.1.3 The amount of money to be paid monthly/annually by the insured to the insurer for indemnification, is known as a/an … (2)
SECTION A: COMPULSORY QUESTION 1.1: MULTIPLE CHOICE Four options are given as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the most correct answer. 1.1.1 A school principal who gives instructions to teachers without accepting inputs from them, illustrates a … management style. (2)
1.3.2 During the … stage of team development , team member…
1.3.2 During the … stage of team development , team members are motivated to work towards a common goal. (2)
1.3.5 The … is a problem-solving technique that obtains…
1.3.5 The … is a problem-solving technique that obtains input from experts by means of a questionnaire. (2) TOTAL FOR SECTION A
1.1.5 Team dynamic theories help businesses to … (2)…
1.1.5 Team dynamic theories help businesses to … (2)
VRAAG 6: BESIGHEIDSGELEENTHEDE Die doel van ‘n belegging is om ‘n opbrengs te ontvang of om die oorspronklike kapitaalbedrag wat belê is, te laat groei. Die Johannesburgse Sekuriteite beurs (JSE) is ‘n formele mark waar daagliks met alle aandele / eenhede verhandel kan word. Beleggings in verskillende openbare maatskappye en in verskillende bedrae kan op hierdie mark benader en verhandel word. Skryf ‘n opstel as voornemende belegger en verwys na die volgende aspekte: Bespreek die funksies van die JSE. Beskryf staatshandelseffekte in detail as ‘n vorm van belegging. Adviseer ‘n belegger oor die verskillende soorte aandele. Onderskei tussen saamgestelde rente en enkelvoudige rente. TOTAAL AFDELING C GROOT TOTAAL