What is X factor in chocolate plates? (11.7)
Which organism causes whooping cough? (11.3)
Which organism causes whooping cough? (11.3)
The eggs of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata are indistingu…
The eggs of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata are indistinguishable and cannot be used to differentiate the two species. (19.1)
A 46 year old male presents with severe muscular rigidity of…
A 46 year old male presents with severe muscular rigidity of the jaw and neck. His wife indicates that he had recently received a puncture wound in his foot. Anaerobic cultures grew a large spore-forming gram positive rod. What is the most likely organism?
Name two viruses that cause meningitis. (18.4)
Name two viruses that cause meningitis. (18.4)
Which gram negative diplococci is asaccharolytic (does not b…
Which gram negative diplococci is asaccharolytic (does not break down sugars), is oxidase positive and DNAse positive, and is an opportunist that can cause pneumonia and otitis media (ear infection)? (10.1)
A 54 year old male patient was seen in the ER with a fever…
A 54 year old male patient was seen in the ER with a fever and a headache. For 2 weeks he experienced lethargy, intermittent, low grade fever not associated with chills, and a constant dull ache, progressively increasing in severity. A review of his prior medical records showed that he was HIV positive. Above is an india ink preparation made from cerebrospinal fluid collected in the ER. What is the presumptive identification of the organism present in this specimen? (17.14)
Yeast reproduce by budding, with subsequent production of a…
Yeast reproduce by budding, with subsequent production of a blastocondium. (17.2)
What disease was caused by the organism in the previous ques…
What disease was caused by the organism in the previous question?
Lyme disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. (15.6)
Lyme disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. (15.6)