These worms, which used to be considered their own phylum, a…

These worms, which used to be considered their own phylum, are sausage-shaped annelids with few chaetae that deposit feed using a proboscis with a gutter. In some, larvae that settle on mud become female while those that land on a female proboscis become dwarf males.

Pick your favorite specific member of the family Sibloglinid…

Pick your favorite specific member of the family Sibloglinidae (deep sea tube worms) and discuss their ecology – where they live, how they get energy, and other weird things that set your chosen group apart. OR Discuss the process of feeding in nemerteans using as many correct anatomical terms as you can.

Set up a single integral that represents the volume of the s…

Set up a single integral that represents the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by y=x2{“version”:”1.1″,”math”:”y=x2″} and y=x{“version”:”1.1″,”math”:”y=x”} about the line x=3{“version”:”1.1″,”math”:”x=3″}.