Section G (Questions 25 ~ 27): Taxis looking for customers a…

Section G (Questions 25 ~ 27): Taxis looking for customers arrive at a taxi station as a Poisson process with rate 1 per minute, while customers looking for taxis arrive as a Poisson process with rate 1.25 per minute. Suppose taxis will wait, no matter how many taxis are in line before them. However, customers who arrive to find 2 other customers in line go away immediately.  We will set up a Markov chain with states {2, 1, 0, -1, -2, ….} as states. State 2 means two customers waiting at the taxi station; state 1 means one customer waiting at the taxi station; state -1 means one taxi waiting at the taxi station; state -2 means two taxis waiting at the taxi station and so on. @application.route(‘/login’, methods=[‘GET’, ‘POST… @application.route(‘/login’, methods=)def login(): login_form = classes.LogInForm() if login_form.validate_on_submit(): username = password = user = classes.User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user is not None and user.check_password(password): login_user(user) else: flash(‘Invalid username and password combination!’) return render_template(‘login.html’, form=login_form) flash.html {% with (1) %} {% for message in messages %} {{ message }} {% endfor %}{% endwith %}   In order to make flash.html display flash messages from, which one of the following should go in (1)?