The single view that will best visualize the maximum amount of breast tissue is the:
The most common form of invasive breast cancer is __________…
The most common form of invasive breast cancer is _____________.
Mammography is your favorite course.
Mammography is your favorite course.
In positioning for the CC projection, if the C-arm of the ma…
In positioning for the CC projection, if the C-arm of the mammography unit is raised too high, the inframammary fold is over elevated, resulting in loss of: 1) superior breast tissue 2) inferior breast tissue 3) posterior breast tissue
In the CC projection of the breast, the image receptor is po…
In the CC projection of the breast, the image receptor is positioned:
Breast imaging professionals define the location of lesions…
Breast imaging professionals define the location of lesions in breast tissue using a ____________.
Why is the MLO preferred to the ML, as a routine projection?
Why is the MLO preferred to the ML, as a routine projection?
Which projection is used to determine if a lesion is medial…
Which projection is used to determine if a lesion is medial or lateral to the nipple?
Breast tissue is made of all of the following tissue types e…
Breast tissue is made of all of the following tissue types except:
Immediately behind the nipple the connecting duct widens to…
Immediately behind the nipple the connecting duct widens to form the: