You try growing an uncharacterized strain of E. coli. You find it grows well on rich (non-synthetic) media but will not grow on minimal (synthetic) media. However, it will grow on minimal media plus histidine. What do you conclude?
What groups have 70s ribosomes?
What groups have 70s ribosomes?
Define endosymbiosis. Present one piece of evidence (Why do…
Define endosymbiosis. Present one piece of evidence (Why do we believe this is true?) that endosymbiosis was important in evolution.
What organism makes the antibiotics tetracycline, chloramphe…
What organism makes the antibiotics tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and erythromycin?
Name any common-source epidemic. If it is not something that…
Name any common-source epidemic. If it is not something that everyone is aware of describe why it is a common-source epidemic
What conditions lead a bacterium to produce a spore?
What conditions lead a bacterium to produce a spore?
This group of viruses includes the one that causes cold sore…
This group of viruses includes the one that causes cold sores. The drug acyclovir targets a member of this group.
What group of microbes generates oxygen through photosynthes…
What group of microbes generates oxygen through photosynthesis?
If antibiotics kill off much of the normal intestinal flora…
If antibiotics kill off much of the normal intestinal flora what pathogen becomes a big problem?
Which disease has been eradicated?
Which disease has been eradicated?