QUESTION 1 The Teneo team competed against other teams to see which team could pick up the most recycled materials in 3 hours. Help your team to analyse all the data of the items you collected by answering the following questions 1.1 – 1.3 TENEO team items collected (using tallies): Plastic Paper Glass
QUESTION 3.2 Give the time indicated on the…
QUESTION 3.2 Give the time indicated on the above clock as 24-hour times: a.m. time p.m. time (2)
Skakel 1011 (basis 2) om na desimaal (basis 10). Wys alle be…
Skakel 1011 (basis 2) om na desimaal (basis 10). Wys alle berekeninge.
Toestel 3 en die bedryfstelsel op toestel 3 word deur Apple…
Toestel 3 en die bedryfstelsel op toestel 3 word deur Apple gemaak. Apple maak ook ‘n iPhone, maar ‘n ander bedryfstelsel is op die MacBook geïnstalleer. Waarom sou Apple twee verskillende bedryfstelsels vir sy rekenaar en slimfoon maak?
QUESTION 2.1 Give a main heading for the bar…
QUESTION 2.1 Give a main heading for the bar graph at letter A: (1)
QUESTION 4.7 Which shape in the picture abov…
QUESTION 4.7 Which shape in the picture above has no symmetry lines? (1)
‘n Gesiggestremde gebruiker wil die rekenaar gebruik. Noem t…
‘n Gesiggestremde gebruiker wil die rekenaar gebruik. Noem twee maniere waarop jy die rekenaar makliker bruikbaar vir hom kan maak.
Verduidelik wat die term VoIP beteken.
Verduidelik wat die term VoIP beteken.
EXTRA QUESTION (ESSAY) For any additional pr…
EXTRA QUESTION (ESSAY) For any additional problems.