In what instance would you use a MARS sequence
8.2.3. Verduidelik aan Billy wanneer hy ‘n verlies sal maa…
8.2.3. Verduidelik aan Billy wanneer hy ‘n verlies sal maak. (2)
MOC 8 – GU A child is admitted with Acute Glomerulonephritis…
MOC 8 – GU A child is admitted with Acute Glomerulonephritis. The nurse would expect child’s urinalysis during the acute phase to show:
Earthworms are monoecious (hermaphroditic), meaning ________…
Earthworms are monoecious (hermaphroditic), meaning _______________.
Which of the following combinations would give the highest S…
Which of the following combinations would give the highest SNR for a T1 weighted image in the shortest amount of scan time?
At 1.5 Tesla, the chemical shift between fat and water is:
At 1.5 Tesla, the chemical shift between fat and water is:
If the R – R interval in a cardiac gated sequence is 1400ms,…
If the R – R interval in a cardiac gated sequence is 1400ms, with a trigger delay of 150ms and trigger window of 150ms, the available imaging time would be about
In inversion recovery (IR) sequences, the TI is
In inversion recovery (IR) sequences, the TI is
VRAAG 8: REKENINGKUNDIGE BEGRIPPE 8.1. Verduidelik kortliks die verskil tussen bedryfsbates en nie-bedryfsbates. 8.1.1. Bedryfsbates (2)
Which of the following will not cause an increase in SNR?
Which of the following will not cause an increase in SNR?