The picture below shows three membranes, one belonging to on…

The picture below shows three membranes, one belonging to one genus of bacteria and the other two belonging to two different genuses of Archaea. Use the numbers on top of each membrane to answer the questions below.  Blank #1: Select the two membranes that belong to Archaea. List the numbers, separated by commas.  Blank #2: Describe a difference in the hydrophobic core that allowed you to identify Archaeal from bacterial membranes. Write your sentence as follows: _____________in Archaea instead of _____________ in bacteria.  Blank #3: Why is the difference in blank #2 an important adaptation for Archaea? Blank #4: Which of the two genuses of Archaea is likely to live at a higher temperature? Explain your choice.  Blank #5: Describe a difference in the bonds between the hydrophobic core and glycerol that allowed you to identify Archaeal from bacterial membranes. Write your sentence as follows: _____________in Archaea instead of _____________ in bacteria.  Blank #6: Why is the difference in blank #5 an important adaptation for Archaea?    

There are four major classes of lipoproteins: chylomicrons,…

There are four major classes of lipoproteins: chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, and HDL. This classification is based on the relative content of the five major constituents of lipoproteins: cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, proteins, and triacylglycerols.  Blank #1: Which of the five constituents listed above would be found in the inner core of lipoproteins? List all that apply, separated by commas. Blank #2: Which of the five constituents listed above would be found at the surface of lipoproteins? List all that apply, separated by commas. Blank #3: Which lipoprotein carries cholesteryl esters to the liver for excretion, LDL or HDL? Blank #4: The surface of lipoproteins is a monolayer and not a bilayer because ___________.

Below is a diagram of the cell wall of a Gram-negative bacte…

Below is a diagram of the cell wall of a Gram-negative bacteria.  Blank #1: What type of molecule is A? Be specific (for example: glycerophospholipid) Blank #2: What is the effect of molecules like A in our bodies? Blank #3: What type of molecule is B? Be specific (for example: glycerophospholipid)   Gram-negative bacteria are particularly difficult to treat because their cells are shielded by a double-membrane envelope, which constitutes a formidable barrier to antibiotics. In class we discussed both lysozymes and penicillin as antibiotics that are ineffective against Gram-negative bacteria. Use blanks 4 and 5 to give a detailed explanation of how each of these antibiotics act to kill Gram-positive bacteria, and why that is not possible in Gram-negative bacteria. Blank #4: Lysozyme Blank #5: Penicillin

Blanks #1 through #5: Complete hydrolysis of the lipid below…

Blanks #1 through #5: Complete hydrolysis of the lipid below gives which five molecules? List one molecule per blank. Describe specific fatty acids by their delta nomenclature (e.g. 18:2 delta 4, 7 fatty acid).  Blank #6: The unsaturated fatty acid is an omega        fatty acid Blank #7: Is this lipid likely to be part of the inner or outer leaflet of the plasma membrane?   In response to certain hormonal signals, phospholipase A2 hydrolyzes the unsaturated fatty acid (arachidonic acid) from the lipid above. Arachidonic acid then serves as a precursor to various eicosanoids. These include prostaglandins (such as PGE2, PGI2), thromboxane A2 (TXA2), and leukotriene A (see the diagram below).  Blank #8: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID’s) such as aspirin or ibuprofen reduce pain and inflammation, cause bleeding, but have no effect on smooth muscle contraction. Explain this statement by describing how NSAID’s impact the formation of various molecules in the diagram above. 

Below are oxygen binding curves for myoglobin and hemoglobin…

Below are oxygen binding curves for myoglobin and hemoglobin.  Blank #1: Which of the curves shows cooperative binding of O2, myoglobin or hemoglobin? Blank #2: Which has a lower P50 value, myoglobin or hemoglobin? Blank #3: What is the approximate P50 value for myoglobin, with units? Blank #4: At high O2 pressures, both myoglobin and hemoglobin have comparable O2 affinities. In the tissues, however, where the oxygen pressure is much lower, hemoglobin has a much _______ (higher/lower) affinity for O2 than myoglobin, allowing it to ______(release/absorb) O2 ______(to/from) myoglobin.  Consider the inhibitors CO and CO2. Blank #5: Myoglobin is inhibited by ______ (CO only, CO2 only, or both CO and CO2) Blank #6: Hemoglobin is inhibited by ______ (CO only, CO2 only, or both CO and CO2)  

Blank #1: The molecule below is a ________ Blank #2: The hy…

Blank #1: The molecule below is a ________ Blank #2: The hydrophobic region of this molecule is an oxidized form of _________ Blank #3: The ionic/hydrophilic region of this molecule is ___________, which has condensed with the molecule in blank #2 Blank #4: Explain how this amphiphilic molecule aids in digestion. Blank #5: In addition to aiding in digestion, hepatic synthesis of this molecule is the major route used by your body to ____________.