The curriculum vitae is more detailed and includes a summary…

The curriculum vitae is more detailed and includes a summary of educational and academic backgrounds and affiliations; teaching, research experience, and publications; and awards, honors, and grants. In the United States a CV is used in applying for academic, scientific, and research positions or when applying for fellowships or grants.

An advisable first step in portfolio prep is having students…

An advisable first step in portfolio prep is having students buy the pages first rather than purchasing an expensive carrying case. The students use the pages to experiment with the best way to present their work. The next step is all about layout and deciding what goes first, second, etc., and labeling everything properly.

Essay Question (10 points) Your former college roommate is o…

Essay Question (10 points) Your former college roommate is opening a new retail store and asks you “Which inventory costing method should I use?” What is your response? Since she has narrowed her choice down to FIFO and LIFO include a comparison of the tax effect, balance sheet effect, and income statement effect for these two methods.

You should be able to talk about the work from a number of d…

You should be able to talk about the work from a number of different points of view: concepts, process, budget …. Do try to include a piece of promotional material (a program or flyer, not reviews) as well as a minimum of one or two sketches and production photographs for each production being shown.