Teaching an animal a “trick” requires the use of several mec…

Teaching an animal a “trick” requires the use of several mechanisms we have talked about in this unit. For example, to teach a dog to lay down on command requires pairing: 1. The phrase “lay down” (Arbitrary stimulus) 2. The act of laying down (Behavior) 3. And a treat for successful attempts (Reward)   What types of learned behaviors are being used in this process? (select 2 options)

Male stickleback fish react aggressively to other males in t…

Male stickleback fish react aggressively to other males in their territory. Even when raised in isolation (without ever having seen another fish), these fish will carry out an elaborate series of intimidation behaviors whenever they see an intruder. Through experiments we learned that the sticklebacks aren’t actually reacting to the image of another fish, but rather the color red.   Which of the following are true? (select 3 options)