4.1.2 Identifiseer die afhanklike veranderlike. (1)
1.2 Gee die korrekte biologiese term(e) vir elk van die vo…
1.2 Gee die korrekte biologiese term(e) vir elk van die volgende beskrywings. Tik die vraag nommer in, gevolg deur die term(e). 1.2.1 Die naam van die voortplantingstrategie waarin diere baie nageslag produseer, maar min tyd of energie op ouersorg spandeer. (1) 1.2.2 Die tipe voortplanting waarin die embrio in ‘n eier buite die vroulike organisme se liggaam ontwikkel. (1) 1.2.3 Die tipe voortplanting waarin die nageslag lewend gebore word na ‘n tydperk van swangerskap, waartydens die fetus gevoed en beskerm word binne die moeder se liggaam. (1) 1.2.4 Die struktuur in ‘n amniotiese eier wat dien as reserwevoedsel (proteïene en water) vir die ontwikkelende embrio. (1) 1.2.5 ‘n Sak in ‘n amniotiese eier wat groei uit die embrio se ingewande en wat afvalprodukte en gasse uit ruil. (1) 1.2.6 Die naam van die voortplantingstrategie waarin diere min nageslag produseer, en baie energie en tyd spandeer aan ouersorg. (1) 1.2.7 Die tipe bevrugting wat by meeste mariene diere voorkom. (1) 1.2.8 Verwys na spesies waar die nakomelinge omtrent ten volle ontwikkel is en onmiddellik mobiel is wanneer hulle uitgebroei of gebore word. (1) 1.2.9 Chemikalieë wat deur sommige seksueel volwasse diere afgeskei word om die teenoorgestelde geslag te lok. (1) 1.2.10 ‘n Struktuur waarin ‘n embrio ontwikkel en wat meestal deur reptiele en voëls op droë grond gelê word. (1)
1.2 Provide the correct biological term(s) for each of the…
1.2 Provide the correct biological term(s) for each of the following descriptions (1.2.1 – 1.2.10). Type the question number followed by the term(s). 1.2.1 The name of the reproductive strategy in which animals produce many offspring, but spend little time or energy on parental care. (1) 1.2.2 The type of reproduction in which the embryo develops in an egg outside the female’s body. (1) 1.2.3 The type of reproduction in which offspring are born alive after a period of gestation, during which the foetus is nourished and protected within the mother’s body. (1) 1.2.4 The structure inside an amniotic egg that serves as reserve food (proteins and water) for the developing embryo. (1) 1.2.5 A sac inside an amniotic egg that grows from the embryo’s intestines, to collect waste products and exchange gases. (1) 1.2.6 The name of the reproductive strategy in which animals produce few offspring, and spend lots of energy on parental care. (1) 1.2.7 The type of fertilisation used by most marine animals. (1) 1.2.8 Refers to species where the young are practically fully developed and immediately mobile when they are hatched or born. (1) 1.2.9 Chemicals secreted by some animals to attract and signal to the opposite sex that they are sexually mature. (1) 1.2.10 A structure that is laid on dry land, mostly by reptiles and birds, in which an embryo develops. (1)
2.3.2 Using your knowledge of negative feedback, select wh…
2.3.2 Using your knowledge of negative feedback, select which hormone will have to be in high concentration in a contraceptive pill (pill to prevent pregnancy) to stop the maturation of new ova? (1)
4.1.7 Bestudeer jou grafiek weer. Watter van die volgende…
4.1.7 Bestudeer jou grafiek weer. Watter van die volgende waardes verteenwoordig waarskynlik die normale vlak van bloedglukose? (1) mg/dL
2.2.2 Gee ‘n rede waarom die rotte in Groep 3 nie behandel…
2.2.2 Gee ‘n rede waarom die rotte in Groep 3 nie behandel was nie. (1)
1.1.6 What phase of protein synthesis is shown in the diag…
1.1.6 What phase of protein synthesis is shown in the diagram? A. DNA replicationB. TranslationC. Peptide bondingD. Transcription (2)
2.3 The diagram below shows the interaction between “gland…
2.3 The diagram below shows the interaction between “gland X” and the ovary during the menstrual cycle of a human female. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow. CLICK ON THE BUTTON BELOW TO VIEW THE DIAGRAM:
2.2.1 Formulate a possible hypothesis for this investigati…
2.2.1 Formulate a possible hypothesis for this investigation. (2)
1.1.9 The table below shows certain mRNA codons and their…
1.1.9 The table below shows certain mRNA codons and their resulting amino acids. Study the table and answer question 1.1.9. Table of mRNA codons and their resulting amino acids mRNA Amino acids mRNA Amino acids AAG Lysine CUU Leucine GAA Glutamic acid CAU Histidine AGU Serine GUA Valine UAU Tyrosine CCG Proline UUC Phenylalanine UGG Tryptophan The original DNA triplet for Serine is: A. TCAB. AGUC. UCAD. TCT (2)