True of False: You can insert a component into an assembly by dragging the .SLPDT part file from Windows Explorer into the SOLIDWORKS window and dropping it in your assembly.
The Extruded Boss feature can be used to remove material?
The Extruded Boss feature can be used to remove material?
If there is an existing centerline in a sketch, like the one…
If there is an existing centerline in a sketch, like the one in the sketch shown, then SOLIDWORKS will automatically pre-select it as the axis of revolution of a Revolved feature regardless of its position or orientation.
Even if you`ve applied a custom scale to a drawing view, cha…
Even if you`ve applied a custom scale to a drawing view, changing the scale of the entire sheet still modify the scale of that drawing view.
Which of the following icons represents the SOLIDWORKS Mirro…
Which of the following icons represents the SOLIDWORKS Mirror feature? A. B. C. D.
After an extruded feature has been created, you can always g…
After an extruded feature has been created, you can always go back and edit the feature. When you edit an existing extrude feature, which of the following cannot be changed from the Extrude Property Manager?
While in sketch mode, the number displayed to the right of t…
While in sketch mode, the number displayed to the right of the cursor defines the sketch element`s exact size. Therefore, there is no need to add a dimension to set the dimensional value
In order to create two-dimensional geometry such as lines, a…
In order to create two-dimensional geometry such as lines, arcs, and rectangles, what mode should SOLIDWORKS be in?
When box-selecting multiple items, to include only items com…
When box-selecting multiple items, to include only items completely enclosed within the box, drag the selection box from left to right
After creating the first model view, SOLIDWORKDS places you…
After creating the first model view, SOLIDWORKDS places you into Projected View mode where you can add projected views of the model view.