The color we associate with an object is called what?
A painting that is finished in one sitting is called this.
A painting that is finished in one sitting is called this.
If materials are made to last, they are considered what?
If materials are made to last, they are considered what?
An artist drawing with lines that vary in thickness are call…
An artist drawing with lines that vary in thickness are called what kind of lines?
When a tempera painting is done by mixing the pigment with e…
When a tempera painting is done by mixing the pigment with egg yolk, the egg serves as the?
Dust, pollution and moisture and cause this change in color.
Dust, pollution and moisture and cause this change in color.
Which of these is considered a “transparent” medium?
Which of these is considered a “transparent” medium?
A conte’ crayon uses wax as it’s what?
A conte’ crayon uses wax as it’s what?
The way an artist applies the medium is called this?
The way an artist applies the medium is called this?
The three primary colors that begin the color wheel are;
The three primary colors that begin the color wheel are;