You are performing a streak plate.  1-You flame the loop red…

You are performing a streak plate.  1-You flame the loop red hot. 2-As the loop cools, you open the culture tube, flame the top of the tube and use the loop to obtain bacteria.   3- You flame the culture tube, cap it and set it aside. 4- You flame the loop again then streak the first section of the agar plate,. 5- You flame the loop, turn the plate and continue the streak. 6- You repeat step 6 two more times. 7-You put the lid on the plate, flame the loop and set it aside. What is wrong with the procedure above and what is the likely outcome?

The following experiment is used for the following question….

The following experiment is used for the following question.A researcher discovered a species of moth that lays its eggs on oak trees. Eggs are laid at two distinct times of the year: early in spring when the oak trees are flowering and in midsummer when flowering is past. Caterpillars from eggs that hatch in spring feed on oak flowers and look like oak flowers, but caterpillars that hatch in summer feed on oak leaves and look like oak twigs.How does the same population of moths produce such different-looking caterpillars on the same trees? To answer this question, the biologist caught many female moths from the same population and collected their eggs. He put at least one egg from each female into eight identical cups. The eggs hatched, and at least two larvae from each female were maintained in one of the four temperature and light conditions listed below.TemperatureDay LengthSpringlikeSpringlikeSpringlikeSummerlikeSummerlikespringlikeSummerlikesummerlikeIn each of the four environments, one of the caterpillars was fed oak flowers, the other oak leaves. Thus, there were a total of eight treatment groups (4 environments × 2 diets).In every case, caterpillars that feed on oak flowers look like oak flowers. In every case, caterpillars that were raised on oak leaves looked like twigs. These results support which of the following hypotheses?

7.0 g B reacts with excess Cl2 by the reaction 2B + 3Cl2 –>…

7.0 g B reacts with excess Cl2 by the reaction 2B + 3Cl2 –> B2Cl6. The experimental yield is 61 g. What is the percent yield?  Answer in %. Do not type units. Do not use scientific notation. The answer to the previous question on theoretical yields is required to complete this question.