Which punctuation is used in the ICD-10-CM index to identify manifestation codes and in the ICD-10-CM index and tabular list to enclose abbreviations, synonyms, alternative wording, or explanatory phrases?
Which typeface is used for ICD-10-CM tabular list exclusion…
Which typeface is used for ICD-10-CM tabular list exclusion notes and to identify manifestation codes, which are never reported as the first-listed diagnoses?
Diabetes insipidus is represented by which ICD-10-CM code?
Diabetes insipidus is represented by which ICD-10-CM code?
Codes that have an applicable seventh character are consider…
Codes that have an applicable seventh character are considered __________ without the seventh character.
If the primary site of malignancy is no longer present, assi…
If the primary site of malignancy is no longer present, assign a code for __________.
Cancer described as metastatic to a site is considered _____…
Cancer described as metastatic to a site is considered __________.
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangr…
Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs is represented by which ICD-10-CM code?
The ICD-10-CM Table of Drugs and Chemicals is an alphabetic…
The ICD-10-CM Table of Drugs and Chemicals is an alphabetic index of medicinal, chemical, and biological substances that result in poisonings and adverse effects. The first column of the table lists generic names of drugs and chemicals with four columns for poisonings, one column for adverse effects, and one column for underdosing. Which column is reviewed to locate a code for a poisoning that results from a deliberate overdose, such as a suicide attempt, of substance(s) administered/taken or intoxication that includes purposely combining prescription drugs with nonprescription drugs or alcohol?
Which abbreviation means “unspecified” and identifies codes…
Which abbreviation means “unspecified” and identifies codes that are to be assigned when information needed to assign a more specific code cannot be obtained from the provider?
Which character is used as a placeholder in ICD-10-CM?
Which character is used as a placeholder in ICD-10-CM?