Which of the statements BEST describes the mutational event…

Which of the statements BEST describes the mutational event pictured below? Wild-type      ACC   CAC   UCU   GGA   UUU   AAG   GCA                                thr       his      ser        gly      leu        lys      alaMutant          ACC   CAC   UCU   UGA   UUU   AAG   GCA                              thr       his      ser      stop     phe        lys     ala

The ras oncogene in Jim’s malignant polyp differs from the c…

The ras oncogene in Jim’s malignant polyp differs from the c-ras proto-oncogene only in the region that encodes the N-terminus of the protein. This portion of the normal and mutant sequences is This mutation is similar to the mutation found in the ras oncogene in various tumors. What type of mutation converts the ras proto-oncogene to an oncogene?