Which of the following answers most accurately summarizes st…

Which of the following answers most accurately summarizes statistically significant (P=0.05) differences in the data in the table below? Table: Z-test analyses of the effects of gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA), each at two different concentrations, on seed germination of two species after 7 days. 100 seeds of each species were in each treatment group. Name of Plant Species Di H2O 10-6 M GA 10-4 M GA 10-6 M ABA 10-4 M ABA Geranium germination % 96 81 84 88 24 Geranium Z-value 1.48 1.23 0.97 3.89 Geranium Z-value probability (p-value) 0.14 0.22 0.33

4. The soil that our plant was growing in was low on Fe2+, a…

4. The soil that our plant was growing in was low on Fe2+, and the plant is now iron-deficient, shown below.  It turns out that the soil is low on Fe2+ because it is acidic. Briefly explain why acidic soils are more likely to be nutrient-poor than pH-neutral or alkaline soils. (2-4 sentence limit) Extra credit – 1pt Is this a deficiency in a mobile element or an immobile element? Explain how you can tell. (1-2 sentences)

3. Ignoring all other factors, which of the following types…

3. Ignoring all other factors, which of the following types of days – a cool, dry day; a hot, dry day; a warm, humid day; or a cool, humid day – would result in the fastest delivery of the Fe2+ cation to the leaves of the rhododendron? Explain your reasoning. (3-4 sentence limit)