The RN on the evening shift has noticed subtle changes in th…

The RN on the evening shift has noticed subtle changes in the behavior of KO, (a 51-year-old women diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoid type) over the past several days. Her observations include facial grimacing, jaw swinging, repetitive chewing and an elevated temperature.  Benztropine (Cogentin) 2mg intramuscular (IM) was given 60 minutes ago. No changes in behavior were noted. These symptoms may be a result of:

TC has been diagnosed with Bipolar Type I and has been presc…

TC has been diagnosed with Bipolar Type I and has been prescribed Lithium Carbonate 300 mg po TID and 600 mg QHS. TC is experiencing diarrhea, drowsiness, muscular weakness, ataxia, tinnitus and blurred vision. The RN caring for TC requested a stat serum lithium level. Given the above noted symptoms, the RN might expect the following lab results:

Na’vi is an invented language which was created (by linguist…

Na’vi is an invented language which was created (by linguists) for the movie Avatar. It contains many properties of natural human language, including typical morphological and phonological rules. Study the Na’vi verbs in the dataset below and answer the questions that follow. makto              ‘ride’               mamakto       ‘rode (a long time ago)’  jur                    ‘wash’                         jamur               ‘washed (a long time ago)’  jimur                ‘washed (recently)’     mimakto          ‘rode (recently)’  maɪakto           ‘will ride’                    jaɪur                 ‘will wash’  haʊnu              ‘protect’                      haɪaʊnu           ‘will protect’ himaʊnu          ‘protected (recently)’  stamarsim        ‘gathered (a long time ago)’ staɪarsim          ‘will gather’                stimarsim         ‘gathered (recently)’ a. What is the Na’vi morpheme meaning ‘gather’? b. What is the Na’vi morpheme meaning ‘Recent Past Tense’? c. What is the Na’vi morpheme meaning ‘Distant Past Tense’? d. What is the Na’vi morpheme meaning ‘Future Tense’? e. What type of word formation process is used to express Tense in Na’vi? f. If is the Na’vi word meaning ‘think’, how would you say ‘thought (recently)’ in Na’vi?

Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (…

Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (Note: assume Caqon has the same rules for syllabifying words as English. Also, each vowel is the nucleus of its own syllable.) saqi      ‘s/he runs’ saqiqi     ‘s/he is running’ botin     ‘s/he swims’ botitin      ‘s/he is swimming’ ombu     ‘s/he thinks’ ombubu     ‘s/he is thinking’ qumes     ‘s/he talks’ qumemes     ‘s/he is talking’ dalbon     ‘s/he leaps’ dalbobon     ‘s/he is leaping’ binduza     ‘s/he wonders’ binduduza     ‘s/he is wondering’ azdore     ‘s/he asks’ azdodore     ‘s/he is asking’ a. What type of word formation process is used to express Progressive Aspect in Caqon? b. Which part of the base is targeted for copying when creating the Progressive morpheme?