Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (…

Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (Note: assume Caqon has the same rules for syllabifying words as English. Also, each vowel is the nucleus of its own syllable.) saqi      ‘s/he runs’ saqiqi     ‘s/he is running’ botin     ‘s/he swims’ botitin      ‘s/he is swimming’ ombu     ‘s/he thinks’ ombubu     ‘s/he is thinking’ qumes     ‘s/he talks’ qumemes     ‘s/he is talking’ dalbon     ‘s/he leaps’ dalbobon     ‘s/he is leaping’ binduza     ‘s/he wonders’ binduzaza     ‘s/he is wondering’ azdore     ‘s/he asks’ azdorere     ‘s/he is asking’ a. What type of word formation process is used to express Progressive Aspect in Caqon? b. Which part of the base is targeted for copying when creating the Progressive morpheme?

Consider the following sentence: (1) The children walked a…

Consider the following sentence: (1) The children walked along the shore. Examples (2-3) show the results of some constituency tests. What do these results imply about the structure of sentence (1)? (2) *The children walked along the shore, and the adults did so the street. (3) *The children said they would walk along the shore, and walk along they did the shore.

Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (…

Consider the verb forms from the imaginary language Caqon. (Note: assume Caqon has the same rules for syllabifying words as English. Also, each vowel is the nucleus of its own syllable.) saqi      ‘s/he runs’ sasaqi     ‘s/he is running’ botin     ‘s/he swims’ bobotin      ‘s/he is swimming’ ombu     ‘s/he thinks’ oombu     ‘s/he is thinking’ qumes     ‘s/he talks’ ququmes     ‘s/he is talking’ dalbon     ‘s/he leaps’ dadalbon     ‘s/he is leaping’ binduza     ‘s/he wonders’ bibinduza     ‘s/he is wondering’ azdore     ‘s/he asks’ aazdore     ‘s/he is asking’ a. What type of word formation process is used to express Progressive Aspect in Caqon? b. Which part of the base is targeted for copying when creating the Progressive morpheme?