In order to test the effect of an antibiotic on bacterial gr…

In order to test the effect of an antibiotic on bacterial growth, a scientist cultured 1 species of bacteria in 50 containers. In 10 containers, he added 5 mg/L of the antibiotic. In 10 other containers, he added 10 mg/L of the same antibiotic. In 10 other containers, he added 20 mg/L of the antibiotic. In 10 other containers, he added 25 mg/L of the antibiotic. The remaining 10 containers were given no antibiotic. He paced all the containers in a warm location for 2 days and then measured the size of the bacteria colony.  At right is the result of the experiment.  Using this information, answer the following questions: (a) What is the independent variable?  (b) What is the dependent variable?  (c) Which treatment served as the control? (d) What conclusion can the scientist draw from the data about the effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth?