EXTRA CREDIT FROM THE STANTON AND STINSON HOMEWORK: If a patient is treated with a four-field box for a daily fractional dose of 180 cGy. What is the dose delivered through the AP/PA if each field is weighted 1:1:1.2:1.2 for the AP, PA, right lateral, left lateral respectively? _______ .
A patient is prescribed to have two 15 x 15 cm treatment por…
A patient is prescribed to have two 15 x 15 cm treatment portals, which are equally weighted, parallel opposed lateral fields, treated to a dose of 350 cGy, using the source to axial technique and an 18 MV beam. The patient’s separations are 42 cm. The linear accelerator has a reference output of 1.132 cGy/minute in air at isocenter. The collimator scatter factor is 1.036. The fields have a tissue air ratio of 0.752 and tissue maximum ratio of 0.685. Each beam will have a 45-degree wedge with a wedge transmission factor of 65.6%. Calculate the MU for one of the beams.
EXTRA CREDIT FROM THE STANTON AND STINSON HOMEWORK: Given a magnification factor of 1.28 and a physical measurement of 18 cm x 13 cm on the patient, what should the X field measure on the portal film/image? _______ .
In the Stanford technique, the patient is treated with six p…
In the Stanford technique, the patient is treated with six portals that are positioned
What is the volume in the cylinder
What is the volume in the cylinder
In smooth muscle cells, membrane depolarization __________ n…
In smooth muscle cells, membrane depolarization __________ necessary and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release ________ required to elicit contraction.
Find the area of the shaded region. y = x2 – 4x + 3
Find the area of the shaded region. y = x2 – 4x + 3
The term image registration applies to the process of
The term image registration applies to the process of
Which of the following molecules is ribose?
Which of the following molecules is ribose?
What is the correct name for the compound (NH4)2SO4?
What is the correct name for the compound (NH4)2SO4?