DaRhonda Martin contacted her 13 year-old daughter’s teacher…

DaRhonda Martin contacted her 13 year-old daughter’s teachers asking how she is doing in school. Lately, her daughter, Katy, who up to this point had been characterized as the “ideal child,” has now become defiant, oppositional, and vindictive. Mrs. Martin adds, “The father and I have been separated for years but now Katy threatens to leave and move into his apartment over the least little thing. After all we’ve been through, that really hurts. When I challenge Katy’s behavior, it becomes all my fault. On top of all that, Katy takes no responsibility for her behavior. Needless to add, things are miserable here at home. I’ve also noticed her friends are keeping their distance, too.” Given Mrs. Martin’s account, what diagnosis could be ruled out?