While visionary or not, the Gospels present the temptation of Jesus from a ___________________, part of Jesus’ preparation for his messianic ministry.
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem…
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem to get a colt, Luke records his instructions in case someone asked why they were taking it, they were to say ____________.
The first principle in interpreting the parables is to inter…
The first principle in interpreting the parables is to interpret the parable in the context of _______________.
The gospel according to Luke is the ________________ book in…
The gospel according to Luke is the ________________ book in the New Testament.
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the…
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the Baptist may have had contact with the monastic community at _________________.
The term “disciple” means _____________ and is sometimes use…
The term “disciple” means _____________ and is sometimes used of all who followed Jesus.
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospe…
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospel of Mark because it was considered to be merely an ___________ version of Matthew with little value of its own.
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the…
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the Baptist may have had contact with the monastic community at _________________.
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospe…
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospel of Mark because it was considered to be merely an ___________ version of Matthew with little value of its own.
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations…
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations of Judaism?