Directions: Complete the following sentence about destinations and activities by doing the following things: In the first blank: Provide the correct form of aller. In the second blank: Insert à + le/la/l’ to mean ‘to the’. Mais, attention!!! Make sure you pay attention to the gender of the following vocabulary word (m./f.) and make any contractions as necessary. Select the logical activity based on the place. Note that pour… at the end means ‘in order …’ If the sentence is negative, choose the activity that is not logical.Tu ne ____________ pas (aller) ________ (‘to the’) mer (f.) pour… a. faire de la plongée sous-marine b. nager c. faire de la voile d. travailler dans le jardin
Directions: Complete each sentence. For each item, Conjugat…
Directions: Complete each sentence. For each item, Conjugate the verb pouvoir to make it agree with the subject. Select the activity that they are (or are not) able to do, based on the context described. Il pleut et il fait mauvais mais vous________________ (pouvoir) a. faire une promenade b. aller à la piscine c. lire un livre d. faire du patin à glace
Directions: The following email from a French-speaker in Br…
Directions: The following email from a French-speaker in Brussels will be used for the 11 reading comprehension questions on this exam. It will be repeated for each question, but it is the same email. Read the email and use the footnotes to help you navigate the passage. Should you get stuck on a word, come back to it! Keep reading and try to figure out the meaning from context, based on the French that you already know. Then, answer the comprehension question in English below the passage. —- Salut ! Tu vas bien ? Je suis en forme ici à Bruxelles. Les fêtes1 viennent bientôt et mon beau-frère vient ce week-end ! C’est le fils du premier mariage de ma mère. Nous allons visiter des musées en ville2. Mon beau-frère, a vingt-trois ans et il est grand et mince. Pas comme moi ! Il s’entraîne souvent mais il ne voyage pas beaucoup, alors c’est une semaine spéciale. Ma grand-mère a quatre-vingt-six ans mais elle est toujours très active. Elle se lève très tôt le matin et elle fait la cuisine pour toute la famille. Physiquement, elle est plutôt comme moi : rousse et forte, et elle s’habille très bien. Il fait mauvais ici à Bruxelles : le ciel est couvert et il pleut beaucoup. En général, il ne fait pas beau en hiver, donc c’est une bonne saison pour inviter des amis à manger. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire pour les fêtes ? Tu vas venir en Belgique ? Passe un petit « coucou »3 à ta mère pour moi ! Je t’embrasse très fort, Dominique — 1 par exemple, les célébrations religieuses et non religieuses en décembre et janvier 2 downtown 3 give a little hello (between close friends)QUESTION: Why is the visit from Dominique’s family member special? (answer in ENGLISH) (2 pts.)
Directions: Complete each sentence. For each item, Conjugat…
Directions: Complete each sentence. For each item, Conjugate the verb pouvoir to make it agree with the subject. Select the activity that they are (or are not) able to do, based on the context described. Tu as un jean et un t-shirt. Tu _______________ (pouvoir) a. t’habiller b. te démaquiller c. se laver le visage d. s’habiller
Directions: Conjugate the verb in parentheses to make a com…
Directions: Conjugate the verb in parentheses to make a complete sentence about someone’s routines. Make sure to make the reflexive verbs agree (pronoun and ending), and be careful that the words ne pas are correctly placed when they appear. ATTENTION! If there is an accent on a verb conjugation, and you are unable to type it in your keyboard, indicate in words where the accent is and what type it is (e.g. accent grave/downward accent on the first E). If you type nothing, I will assume that there are no accents on your conjugated verb. Pourquoi est-ce que tu __________________________ (se dépêcher) ? Tu n’es pas en retard !
Directions: Conjugate the verb in parentheses to make a com…
Directions: Conjugate the verb in parentheses to make a complete sentence about someone’s routines. Make sure to make the reflexive verbs agree (pronoun and ending), and be careful that the words ne pas are correctly placed when they appear. ATTENTION! If there is an accent on a verb conjugation, and you are unable to type it in your keyboard, indicate in words where the accent is and what type it is (e.g. accent grave/downward accent on the first E). If you type nothing, I will assume that there are no accents on your conjugated verb. Pourquoi est-ce que tu __________________________ (se dépêcher) ? Tu n’es pas en retard !
Directions: Complete the following sentence about destinatio…
Directions: Complete the following sentence about destinations and activities by doing the following things: In the first blank: Provide the correct form of aller. In the second blank: Insert à + le/la/l’ to mean ‘to the’. Mais, attention!!! Make sure you pay attention to the gender of the following vocabulary word (m./f.) and make any contractions as necessary. Select the logical activity based on the place. Note that pour… at the end means ‘in order …’ If the sentence is negative, choose the activity that is not logical. Nous n’____________ pas (aller) ________ (‘to the’) restaurant (m.) pour… a. déjeuner b. sortir avec des amis c. dîner d. courir
Directions: Now, indicate what the following people want to…
Directions: Now, indicate what the following people want to do. For each item, Conjugate the verb vouloir to make it agree with the subject. Circle the activity that they likely want to do, based on the context. Mon ami porte un pullover et un pantalon mais c’est l’heure (time) de se doucher. Il _____________ (vouloir) a. se réveiller b. s’entraîner c. s’habiller d. se déshabiller
Directions: Complete the following sentence about destinatio…
Directions: Complete the following sentence about destinations and activities by doing the following things: In the first blank: Provide the correct form of aller. In the second blank: Insert à + le/la/l’ to mean ‘to the’. Mais, attention!!! Make sure you pay attention to the gender of the following vocabulary word (m./f.) and make any contractions as necessary. Select the logical activity based on the place. Note that pour… at the end means ‘in order …’ If the sentence is negative, choose the activity that is not logical. C’est la saison des vacances. Mes amis ___________ (aller) ________ (‘to the’) aéroport (m.) (airport) pour … a. voyager b. faire de l’escalade c. travailler d. étudier
Directions: These people love their daily routines. Indicat…
Directions: These people love their daily routines. Indicate what actions these people like to do, circling the correct infinitive to complete the sentences. Don’t go too fast! Be sure to pay attention to the details! Le soir avant (before) de sortir avec ses amies, elle aime ________________. a. te réveiller b. se maquiller c. se démaquiller d. vous déshabiller