Examination of a 46-year-old female’s peripheral blood pictu…

Examination of a 46-year-old female’s peripheral blood picture revealed the following:RBC = 5.0 x 106/cu mm (5.0 x 1012/L)Hb  = 14.0 g/dlHCT = 40 vol %WBC = 2.0 x 103/cu mm            Examination of her differential revealed an absolute decrease in the neutrophilic series.  Prominent toxic granulation was seen in the neutrophils present.  What disease state is indicated by the laboratory data?

A metal worker sustains an eye injury in which a small metal…

A metal worker sustains an eye injury in which a small metal fragment damages her cornea. The injury is treated with topical cortisone and antibiotic . She develops a corneal infection which rapidly invades the aqueous humor and iris.  Culture produces a hyaline mold with a wooly lavender colony.  Microscopic banana shaped multiseptate conidia are seen.  This most likely is: