A date for the writing of Mark’s Gospel in the late __________ would fit a solution for the Synoptic problem, which sees Mark as the first Gospel.
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cr…
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cross written in Hebrew, ___________________.
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human p…
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human portrait of Jesus was intended to correct the heresy of ________________ which denied the humanity of Jesus.
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cr…
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cross written in Hebrew, ___________________.
Though Matthew’s gospel does not indicate its place of origi…
Though Matthew’s gospel does not indicate its place of origin, many scholars have proposed ___________ as a likely location.
Many of Jesus’ actions have symbolic significance. His entra…
Many of Jesus’ actions have symbolic significance. His entrance into Jerusalem on “Palm Sunday”, an event recorded in all four Gospels, is widely regarded as based on an authentic event. Jesus is seen as deliberately acting out the prophecy in __________________ presenting himself as the messianic king.
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who r…
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who reject the Old Testament Law altogether.
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _____________…
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _________________ parts of the Gospel.
In John 19 it says that Joseph of Arimathea was a __________…
In John 19 it says that Joseph of Arimathea was a ___________________.
Though Matthew’s gospel does not indicate its place of origi…
Though Matthew’s gospel does not indicate its place of origin, many scholars have proposed ___________ as a likely location.