In John’s Gospel, Jesus told the disciples, “I will ask the Father and he will give you ________________.”
In Matthew, the Olivet Discourse is set in the context of th…
In Matthew, the Olivet Discourse is set in the context of the _____________ and the disciples’ question “when will this happen?”
Jesus’ words and actions demonstrated something new and revo…
Jesus’ words and actions demonstrated something new and revolutionary about the Kingdom of God. No longer is fellowship with God the exclusive right of priests and the religious elite, or of a ________________.
The Hebrew word amen comes from a verb meaning
The Hebrew word amen comes from a verb meaning
In the account of Jesus walking on the water, only in Matthe…
In the account of Jesus walking on the water, only in Matthew does ___________ get out of the boat and walk to Jesus.
In response to Thomas’s statement ‘My Lord and My God” Jesus…
In response to Thomas’s statement ‘My Lord and My God” Jesus said, “blessed are they who ___________ and yet believed.”
The Hebrew word amen comes from a verb meaning
The Hebrew word amen comes from a verb meaning
Jesus told the disciples at the last meal in John, “by this…
Jesus told the disciples at the last meal in John, “by this all men shall know that you are my disciples if you have _________ for one another.”
In Mark, the _______________________ at Caesarea Philippi ma…
In Mark, the _______________________ at Caesarea Philippi marks a key turning point as the chief representative of the disciples recognizes Jesus to be “the Christ”.
Thomas, also known as Didymus, a name meaning _____________…
Thomas, also known as Didymus, a name meaning _____________ was the disciple who doubted the Lord’s resurrection, later evangelized eastward into India.