A theory that explains how schooling helps prepare young people for the work they will do as adults represents the ________
A category of people defined as “untouchable” because they p…
A category of people defined as “untouchable” because they perform work that is viewed as “unclean” historically has been part of social stratification in ________
Simmel described the dyad as ________
Simmel described the dyad as ________
What is the term for the process by which people disengage f…
What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles?
A “triad” is ________
A “triad” is ________
Assume you are a parent of a child in school. From your poin…
Assume you are a parent of a child in school. From your point of view, what type of organization is a school’s parent-teacher association (PTA)?
Sociologists explain that the consequences of social change…
Sociologists explain that the consequences of social change are ________
Sociologists explain that the consequences of social change…
Sociologists explain that the consequences of social change are ________
Following Max Weber’s analysis of religion, we could say ind…
Following Max Weber’s analysis of religion, we could say industrial capitalism is ________
The concept of relative deprivation is based on the idea tha…
The concept of relative deprivation is based on the idea that ________