For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospel of Mark because it was considered to be merely an ___________ version of Matthew with little value of its own.
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the…
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the Baptist may have had contact with the monastic community at _________________.
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospe…
For centuries, the church paid little attention to the Gospel of Mark because it was considered to be merely an ___________ version of Matthew with little value of its own.
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations…
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations of Judaism?
Most parables will illuminate or illustrate ________________…
Most parables will illuminate or illustrate ___________________.
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations…
Jesus places himself in authority over what two foundations of Judaism?
It may be concluded that it is likely that Jesus not only fo…
It may be concluded that it is likely that Jesus not only foresaw his death, but moved to make it happen, interpreting it in the light of the __________________ as an act of atonement for the sins of his people.
Since the exile, no __________________ had reigned in Israel…
Since the exile, no __________________ had reigned in Israel and many Jews of Jesus’ day considered Israel to be in exile.
The author says that Jesus raisings of the dead are not real…
The author says that Jesus raisings of the dead are not really resurrections, but actually ____________________ since they restored normal mortal life.
Jesus’ words and actions demonstrated something new and revo…
Jesus’ words and actions demonstrated something new and revolutionary about the Kingdom of God. No longer is fellowship with God the exclusive right of priests and the religious elite, or of a ________________.