Consider the Counter class below. public class Counter { p…

Consider the Counter class below. public class Counter { public int count = 0; public int getCount() { return count; } public void increment() { count++; } } Using the class above and the variables declared below, what is the value of num1.equals(num2)? Counter num1 = new Counter(); Counter num2 = new Counter();

Consider the square method shown below that takes a non-nega…

Consider the square method shown below that takes a non-negative int argument: public int square(int n) { return squareHelper(n, n); } public int squareHelper(int c, int n) { if (c == 1) { return n; } else { return n + squareHelper(c – 1, n); } } Assume that the last return statement in the squareHelper method is changed to this: return squareHelper(c – 1, n); What would a call to square(7) return?