A company is in the middle of an operating system update to…

A company is in the middle of an operating system update to Windows 10 from Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.x. The diverse nature of the update has made it imperative that the help desk techs have the ability to run several concurrent VMs. A few of the techs are experiencing frequent and extended periods of 100% CPU usage on their computers, and these spikes are limiting their ability to assist users in a timely manner. Which of the following is most likely causing this behavior?

A company is in the middle of an operating system update to…

A company is in the middle of an operating system update to Windows 10 from Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8.x. The diverse nature of the update has made it imperative that the help desk techs have the ability to run several concurrent VMs. A few of the techs are experiencing frequent and extended periods of 100% CPU usage on their computers, and these spikes are limiting their ability to assist users in a timely manner. Which of the following is most likely causing this behavior?

You are setting up a customer’s Windows computer to connect…

You are setting up a customer’s Windows computer to connect to the Internet and notice that when you type www.tjc.edu, the browser does not go to the site. Instead, you receive an error message saying that the address cannot be resolved.    What network setting should you check to see the address of the server being used to resolve this address?