If you have any issues with the test questions in the exam b…

If you have any issues with the test questions in the exam below, encounter any errors with them, or think there is any ambiguity with them, please describe and list them here. Include any information you think is pertinent and please keep in mind I will only consider adding points back if the issue is raised here prior to exiting the exam, if you’ve shared what you believe the correct non-listed answer is, and if you’ve provided a brief explanation of why. 

Describe the specific proper EMR treatment/intervention for…

Describe the specific proper EMR treatment/intervention for each of the following in a responsive adult patient. Please limit answer to no more than a few sentences for each.  a. nosebleed b. protruding abdominal organs c. deformity to patella d. glass shard in right eye e. deformity to middle joint of index finger f. amputation of right hand w/ blood spurting from amputation site