Temporal summation can result in an action potential because:
When you contract the quadriceps femoris to kick a ball, the…
When you contract the quadriceps femoris to kick a ball, the end attached to the tibia pulls it to flex at the knee, but the other end does not move the femur. Since the femur does not move, this more stable attachment is considered the ______.
A spinal tract is ipsilateral if it:
A spinal tract is ipsilateral if it:
A spinal tract is ipsilateral if it:
A spinal tract is ipsilateral if it:
The crossed extension reflex assures that:
The crossed extension reflex assures that:
When you contract the quadriceps femoris to kick a ball, the…
When you contract the quadriceps femoris to kick a ball, the end attached to the tibia pulls it to flex at the knee, but the other end does not move the femur. Since the femur does not move, this more stable attachment is considered the ______.
The structure in the image is called ______ and can stabiliz…
The structure in the image is called ______ and can stabilize a group of tendons
The extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi ul…
The extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi ulnaris work together in extension of the wrist. What term best describes the relationship between them?
The _______ speeds up nerve signals by reducing the leakage…
The _______ speeds up nerve signals by reducing the leakage of ions along the axon.
Excessive pressure on the ______ nerve can result in pain fr…
Excessive pressure on the ______ nerve can result in pain from the hip, down the lower limb, to the ankle.