Abraham and Bethany are married. They decide to buy a home t…

Abraham and Bethany are married. They decide to buy a home together, and decide to buy their new home from Cain and Deana. Cain and Deana, as joint tenants, agree to sell the home to Abraham and Bethany for $145,000.00. Abraham and Bethany agree. All of the parties meet at the broker’s office to discuss the purchase contract. During the meeting, Deana has to leave abruptly because her son fell off the jungle gym at school and broke his arm. The meeting with all of the parties and the broker is a bit chaotic because of the news, but after Deana leaves everyone seems to settle down and, eventually, they get back to business. The remaining people in the room sign the purchase contract. After everyone leaves, the broker realizes Deana never signed it. The broker calls Deana, and Deana tells the broker that Deana does want to sell the home, even though she wasn’t able to sign the contract. Deana tells the broker to move forward with the purchase contract and selling the home. Has a valid purchase contract been executed?

In a government survey land description, sections are descri…

In a government survey land description, sections are described in the following sequential order:                                                                 1              2              3              4              5              6                                                   7              8              9              10           11           12                                                   13           14           15           16           17           18                                                   19           20           21           22           23           24                                                   25           26           27           28           29           30                                                                 31           32           33           34           35           36