Electrical signals pass quickly from one cardiomyocyte to another through the _________________ of the intercalated discs.
Blood flows faster in a venule than in a capillary because v…
Blood flows faster in a venule than in a capillary because venules
Where is the vasomotor center located?
Where is the vasomotor center located?
When the left ventricle contracts, the ________________ valv…
When the left ventricle contracts, the ________________ valve closes and the _______________ valve is pushed open.
What is the most important force in venous flow?
What is the most important force in venous flow?
What organ contains the cardio-accelerator and cardio-inhibi…
What organ contains the cardio-accelerator and cardio-inhibitory neurons that assist in the regulation of heart rate?
An individual has type B, Rh positive blood. The individual…
An individual has type B, Rh positive blood. The individual has ___________________ antigens and can produce anti- __________________________ antibodies.
What is taken up by capillaries at their venous end ?
What is taken up by capillaries at their venous end ?
The opening and closing of heart valves is caused by _______…
The opening and closing of heart valves is caused by _______________________.
Laminar flow is the normal condition for blood flow througho…
Laminar flow is the normal condition for blood flow throughout most of the circulatory system. It is characterized by concentric layers of blood moving in parallel down the length of a blood vessel. Which of the following factors has the greatest affect on laminar flow?