Richard Lovelace, “Song: To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair” In the fourth stanza of the same poem, lines 15 and 16 contain which pair of devices?
John Donne’s “Meditation #17” Which word can fill in the b…
John Donne’s “Meditation #17” Which word can fill in the blank for both of the following quotes? The final paragraph states, “…affliction is a _______________….” In the same section, but a couple of sentences later, Donne says, “Tribulation is _______________….”
Sir John Suckling Ultimately, what advice does the speake…
Sir John Suckling Ultimately, what advice does the speaker give to the lover in “Song” (from Aglaura)?
Bacon’s “Of Studies” In one of his most famous quotes, Bac…
Bacon’s “Of Studies” In one of his most famous quotes, Bacon states, “Some ________ are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested…” Which of the following words properly completes this quote?
John Donne, “Song: Sweetest love, I do not go,” Which of…
John Donne, “Song: Sweetest love, I do not go,” Which of the following is NOT a paraphrase of something the speaker says to his love in the same poem?
Ben Jonson, “XLV: On My First Son” In the same poem, what…
Ben Jonson, “XLV: On My First Son” In the same poem, what does Ben Jonson say is his best piece of poetry?
Bacon’s “Of Travel” Finally, he says when the traveler ret…
Bacon’s “Of Travel” Finally, he says when the traveler returns home, he should not completely leave behind the countries where he has traveled. How should he maintain contact with those countries?
John Donne “Holy Sonnet IX” mentions “lecherous goats” and…
John Donne “Holy Sonnet IX” mentions “lecherous goats” and “serpents envious,” ascribing feelings to non-human creatures in line 3. What device is this?
Sir John Suckling True or False: In “Love Turned to Hatred…
Sir John Suckling True or False: In “Love Turned to Hatred,” the dominant impression is one of hatred and bitter feelings toward all females because of the heartbreak the speaker has experienced with his most recent love.
John Donne In “The Flea,” what does the speaker say is “mi…
John Donne In “The Flea,” what does the speaker say is “mingled” in the flea?